We've all had those days where it feels like there's more hair on the floor of the shower than on our heads.
YES! Some will say shedding is normal— but anything more than 50 - 100 strands of hair constitutes as actual hair loss. And while age, stress, and hormones can all contribute to hair loss, have you ever considered the fact that your favorite 'do might be affecting your shedding, breaking strands?
Let's discuss...
3 mistakes that we do to our hair that damage our hair!
BlowDrying Wet Hair
Trying to blow-dry very wet hair with a brush is a form of hair torture since our hair is only so elastic.
If it is pulled and pulled with any kind of brush from wet to dry, you have the strongest chance of snapping the hair from heat and exertion.
A great way to prevent breakage here is to make sure you remove excess water before styling.
TIP: Towel dry your hair first then take the dryer and hand dry your hair
Using The Wrong Hair Ties
Ponytails— a NO GO!
The elastic that we regularly use can lead to breakage! This type of elastics with cloth-covered or rubber bands that we use to tie our hair then pulling them out will definitely tear out hair!
TIP: Avoid rubber bands and go for hair ties like fabric-covered hair ties so that the hair easily slides off and doesn’t get stuck in the elastic.
Heat Styling Tools All The Time
We all know that the repeated use of heat-styling tools over time can destabilize the structure of hair, causing it to weaken and slip and eventually break off. This applies to any style that requires flat irons, curling irons, hot combs, and of course blow dryers.
TIPS: Don’t throw out your tools to protect your tresses. Instead, take preventative measures to strengthen your hair against heat damage. There are several treatments that you can do at home or with your stylist! All you got to do is search on google or ask your stylist! YES!
Aside from these 3, there are factors that cause damage to your hair. Genetics and health problems have a direct connection to your hair’s health and are many things that you may be doing in your daily routine that are damaging your hair.

We can never control most of the things mentioned above but we can always prevent things from happening! Make sure to follow our tips to lessen the damage that we do with our hair on a daily basis!
You might wonder why we did not include "Hair Extensions" as one of the things that damage your natural hair! Read this "Do Hair Extensions Damage Your Hair?" blog to further discuss it.